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Published 5 Jan, 2018

Can the growing West Pomeranian-Scania cross border freight transports meet sustainability demands?

Swedish trade with Eastern Europe is growing in a rapid pace, resulting in a steady growth in freight transport on the ferries in the links Ystad- Swinoujscie and Trelleborg-Swinoujscie.

Today there is a dominance of road freight on the link. Although there is an interest in rail freight (particularly from an environmental point of view), it is difficult to promote rail transport on the link. This is due to a number of factors including relatively cheap road freight and some logistical and technical hurdles (e.g. differing standards, lack of booking possibilities, etc) for railway transport.

In order to green transports in the link, rail needs to be made more competitive compared to road in terms of cost and time spent and there is room to improve the use of combi-transport on the link. For ferries, LNG (LBG) seem to be the most promising fuels based on current market availability and to enhance the sustainability factor of the road transports in the short run, trucks could run on bio diesel.

For further results about the possibilities, challenges and required measures to develop the Scanian-West Pomeranian freight transport link download the report: Cross-border freight transport between Scania and West Pomerania.

Contact for further information:
Petra Stelling,
Region Skåne