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Published 11 Jul, 2018

Transport management system tailored to needs

In order to maximise the social and economic benefits generated by an efficient operation of trans-port corridors, private entities, local governments and infrastructure managers need to cooperate effectively. Cooperation within the EU and along the development of the TEN-T networks, together with the accessibility of funds of numerous cross-border programmes have contributed to establish multiple initiatives in the Baltic Sea Region, aimed at developing transport infrastructure and corridors. The question on how to effectively capitalise on the existing transport management systems however remains open.

A report conducted within the TENTacle project includes a description of measures which need to be taken by the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor stakeholders in order to capitalise more effectively on the existing cooperation mechanisms and to develop the freight transport connections between the Region Skåne and Westpomeranian Region. Furthermore, the report includes an action plan drawn up by the concerned parties to encourage interested parties in developing smart and green logistics networks between Scandinavia, Poland and other Central Europe nations. Measures how to expand beyond the TEN-T network are also discussed within this framework, namely expansions directed towards the Baltic Sea and the Oder Waterway.

The premise of the action plan is to capitalise on the vast experience of the local authorities of Region Skåne and Westpomeranian Region, as well as to reinforce and further develop the existing co-operation mechanisms under the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, without the need of establishing additional bodies.

The assumption of the plan being prepared is to use the extensive body of experience gained by the administrations of Region Skåne and the Westpomeranian Region, and to maintain and develop the existing forms of cooperation within the framework of the corridor – if possible, without the necessity of creating additional structures. In this context, international cooperation within the framework of the Central European Transport Corridor European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Limited Liability is particularly valuable.

Among the planned activities, special attention should be paid to the need to:

  • Consolidate of stakeholders group in the impact zone of the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor to ensure information flow, which should be used for the implementation of a consistent, supra-regional development policy
  • Support for the creation of a legal environment favouring the development of the transport corridor is possible by means of active participation of the entity representing the corridor’s stakeholders in legal amendments leading to the elimination of the most important barriers obstructing the corridor’s development and in the ongoing monitoring of scheduled legal amendments having impact on the interests of entrepreneurs using the corridor
  • More efficient acquisition of financial resources
  • Collect data on the functioning of the transport corridor will serve not only as the basis for preparing precise assessments and improving the process of planning the corridor’s development

These activities are of strategic importance not only in the supraregional dimension, but also may affect the development of the entire transport network.

Download the full TENTacle report here: Baltic-Adriatic Corridor Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan

For further information contact:

Marta Ciesielska
Marshal’s Office of the Westpomeranian Region
Email: mciesielska@wzp